Main How long do I need to mix Timeless laminate before using it? by Breathing Color|Published June 7, 2016 Our general rule is 2-3 minutes.
Published June 7, 2016 What type of canvas stretching pliers should I use? We make the StretchRelief canvas stretching pliers specifically to stretch canvas prints quickly, easily, and as tight as possible. All without putting […]
Published June 7, 2016 Fine Art Paper Roll Detachment When printing in a high-output environment, often times printmakers are not physically “babysitting” their printer as it works through a roll. In […]
Published June 7, 2016 How Should I Protect My Outdoor Signage? Whenever you are placing any signage outdoors where it is going to be subject to environmental conditions (i.e. humidity, UV rays, etc.) […]
Published June 7, 2016 When stacking coated prints what kind of interleaving paper should I use? The best way to protect coated prints when stacking or sending out to ship would be to wrap the print in Glassine […]