Decor Matte Canvas

This water-resistant poly-cotton canvas is perfectly suited for the decor market. Hotel rooms, lobbies, doctor’s offices, you name it you can print it with Decor Matte.

*Prints made with Canon 8300 and 8400 series printers cannot be roll coated and should be sprayed. This includes 24″ and 44″ models.

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Key Features

Print quality to rival more expensive canvas – Decor Matte can dress up or down
Fine texture
With water resistance and easy stretching, Decor Matte is the right choice for quick and durable prints
Formulated to pair seamlessly with Timeless or Glamour 2 varnish
Manufactured in Austin
Manufactured in Austin- the Art Capital of Texas

SKU# Décor Matte Canvas  Price
BC897059 17″x 10′ Trial (Special Order)

BC897066 17″x 75′ Roll (Special Order)

BC897073 24″x 75′ Roll (Special Order)

BC897080 36″x 75′ Roll (Special Order)

BC897097 44″x 75′ Roll (Special Order)

BC897103 54″x 75′ Roll (Special Order)

BC897110 60″x 75′ Roll (Special Order)


Product Specs

Base Composition
35% Cotton / 65% Polyester
Fine (1-over-1 weave)
OBA Content
330 GSM
17 mils
CIE L*a*b* (F7/2)
L* 97.70 / a* 3.80 / b* (-8.3)
Gloss Level
2 GU
Core Diameter
44″-wide and smaller: 2″ Padded Core
50″-wide and larger: 3″ Padded Core
